KCPF Celebrates the Life Week 2021

Kenyan Christians, under the KCPF come together to participate in discussions around protection of life, by dissecting the vices that degrade the quality of life. KCPF participates with its stakeholders and members in the annual event, by holding round table conversations on life and holding a marck to sensitize the country on protection of life and works around it. 

The vices against life, which KCPF advocates against can be;  Reproductive health rights laws and policies degrading the value and sanctity of life; Assisted reproductive technologies against natural life cycle; The LGBTQ movement; and Comprehensive sexuality education KCPF celebrates the Life Week, which is an annual event for celebrating life, from conception to natural demise. The KCPF Life Committee works in collaboration with other pro-life organizations under Linda Uhai Consortium to promote and protect human life and dignity.  Life week seeks to sensitize Christians and all people on the sanctity of life and the need to protect it, as a God-given gift, from undue and unethical legislations, practices and movements that negate the serenity and value of life  This year, the life week comprised of the life symposium and the life march. KCPF celebrated both the life symposium and the life march virtually.  LIFE SYMPOSIUM The life symposium, held on 23rd March 2021, was a hybrid model of both in person and virtual attendance. The in-person session, reserved to thirty persons was held at the Catholic University of East Africa where the livestreaming of the event happened for the virtual attendees. 

The event was co-sponsored by Citizen Go, the Catholic University of East Africa and Dr. Wahome Ngare, the convener for the KCPF life committee.  The theme for the symposium was demystifying myths in the life ministry. The symposium attracted a virtual audience of 143 persons and thirty physically present. 

The event was facilitated by;  Don Feder from the Ruth Institute Dr. Wahome Ngare from KCPF Aketch Aimba from Pearls and Treasures Trust and Dr.  Jean Kagia, founder PLMT Trust. The topics for discussion were on state of families, and life cycle from conception to demise by Dr, Wahome Ngare, the rising teen pregnancies and abortions by Aketch Aimba, NGO and International Organizations’ abortion and LGBTQ funding and international pressure from NGOs and Governments, presented by Don Feder and the myths concerning life and personhood, presented by Dr. Jean Kagia.  LIFE MARCH

The Life Week acknowledges the annunciation and Conception of Jesus Christ, believed to be on 25th March. This was an immaculate annunciation and conception of Jesus Christ through the Virgin Mary. The relevance of the annunciation is on the sanctity of life, drawn from the plan God had for His son, way before his conception and birth as had been prophesied before.  Jesus Christ, the prophesied Messiah was anointed by God to start and carry on the works of the ministry of Worship, salvation of Man, the forgiveness of sin and the eventual reunion and an eternal communion with God the father. All this were planned before the Conception of Jesus Christ. 

The life march 2021, a virtual event held on Zoom, was held on the 27th March, 2021. It was sponsored and facilitated by KCPF. The theme for the 2021 Life march was, ‘’man, where are you?’’  The theme revolved around the role of men in promoting and protecting life from conception to natural demise. The concern around men’s role in protection of life revolved around the unprecedented loss of life due to termination of pregnancies, with an annual average 73 million deaths (WHO) since 2015-2019 in Africa. This is largely due to the surging number of women of reproductive age and the diminishing responsibility men take up in caring for the pregnancies. 


The rising number of termination of pregnancies by women is as a result of the men neglecting responsibility over pregnancies, leaving expectant women vulnerable to abortive thoughts and hence leading them to procure termination of pregnancy services.  This year, KCPF calls out all men to take responsibility and stand up and protect their own children, before and after birth.  In Jeremiah 1 v 5, ‘’Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”  This verse directly speaks to us Christians, to understand the importance of life as being planned and given by God, and the purpose of the embryo as anointed and blessed before birth. This therefore reminds us that no conception is a mistake nor is any pregnancy an unwanted pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy is therefore an affront against the Christian Faith and a show of disobedience to the word of God by men and women. This also, informs us that no one has the right to choose for the unborn, on whether they should live or be terminated before birth. That right does not reside in women or men but lies solely on the will and the plan of God.  In the book of Proverbs 22 v 6, ‘’start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.’’

The verse is a reminder to men to be intentional and purpose driven in raising their children for the greater promise of tomorrow, as God intended and was brought out in the book of Jeremiah.  The men, as parents, should participate in raising children from their young and tender age to their maturity, both physically, emotionally and in spirit and will of God; and to learn to protect the value of family and life at all stages.


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