Charles Kanjama
Head Dispute Resolution Practice and Support Services Practice (Litigation, ADR and Debt Collection)
Years with Firm: 14 Years
Post Admission Experience: 17 years
Membership in Professional Societies: Chairman, Law Society of Kenya, Nairobi Branch; Member, The Law Society of Kenya; Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb); Member, Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK); Member, Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK).
Membership in Professional Societies
- Chairman, Law Society of Kenya, Nairobi Branch;
- Member, The Law Society of Kenya;
- Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb);
- Member, Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK);
- Member, Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK).
Tax & Corporate Governance Consultancy, Corporate Secretarial Services, Legal & Governance Audits, Human Resource Consultancy, ICT Law & Practice, General Litigation Support, Arbitration & Mediation Services.
Education and Employment
- Master of Laws, LLM
- (Candidate) (Urban land value tax in Kenya: A case for reform?)
- University of Nairobi – Nairobi, Kenya. (Ongoing).
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). Qualified Member of CIArb, 2014
- Certified Public Secretary (CPS), KASNEB
- Qualified Member of ICPSK, 2005
- Post Graduate Diploma-Advocacy Training, Kenya School of Law, Nairobi, 2002
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA), KASNEB,
- Qualified Member of ICPAK, 2001
- Bachelor of Laws, LLB (Hons) University of Nairobi – Nairobi, Kenya. 2001
- Higher Diploma (IMIS) Qualified Member of IMIS, 1998
- Chairman, Law Society of Kenya (LSK) Nairobi Branch.
Notable Assignments Handled
- Legal Advisor, Corporate Governance of National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), Law Society of Kenya (LSK), Kenya Christian Professionals Forum, Strathmore Educational Trust, Pacis Insurance Ltd, various other organisations.
- Lead Legal Counsel, Diverse litigation at all levels of the Courts, involving diverse practice areas and specialisations, as well as in diverse tribunals, for government agencies, private institutions and individuals.
- Acquired debts for various corporate clients.
- Various Public Interest Litigation.
- Team Leader in the representation of the Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board in matters that concerned its jurisdiction. And various matters concerning judges that disputed their being vetted out pursuant to the promulgation of the Kenya Constitution 2010.
- Team Leader in the team that successfully represented JSC in the Case of the Hon DCJ Rawal retirement age.
- Team Leader in representing various political parties to determine the threshold on funding of political parties.
- Part of a team that is representing KALRO to acquire 400 Ha grabbed by private individuals in Nakuru County.
- Team Leader represented various of members of Parliament, MCA’s in various Election Petitions successfully